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What Is This Site About

This site is a way to share wilderness skills that our present day youth have lost. When you ask an older generation about what they did as kids and how they played, there are great differences between them and us. Many of the skills they know are being forgotten, and this site is a way that you can learn these skills. After you have learned these skills, teach them to people to help spread these skills and keep them alive. 

Why Are These Skills Important?

The wilderness is our world, it is where we live. Our society is allowing us to disconnect from the wilderness. We are learning to live a mechanical life, even though that life is on a natural world. What do you think people would do if the internet went down for a week? A month? A year? We are losing the ability to survive on our own planet. By learning these skills we can begin to try to preserve our world, our survival, and our heritage. 

Generations Test

  1. Are you cautious and concerned about security or do you crave freedom?

  2. Are you concerned about long-term national financial shortfalls?

  3. Do you prefer face-to-face over electronic communication?

  4. Do you seek to set yourself apart from your peers?

  5. Do you want to start your own business someday?

  6. Do you remember a time when technology was not a part of your life?

  7. Are your parents coaching you how to become an adult or are they more concerned about your self-esteem?

  8. Do you believe that opportunities are everywhere or that you have to continually learn new skills to keep up with society?


Millennial Or Generation Z

  1. Are you cautious and concerned about security or do you crave freedom?

Freedom - Millennial Security - Generation Z

  1. Are you concerned about long-term national financial shortfalls?

No, not really - Millennial Yes - Generation Z

  1. Do you prefer face-to-face over electronic communication?

Electronic - Millennial Face-to-Face - Generation Z

  1. Do you seek to set yourself apart from your peers?

No, I like to fit in - Millennial Yes, please notice me! - Generation Z

  1. Do you want to start your own business someday?

No, corporately is for me - Millennial Yes, I want to be my own boss - Generation Z

  1. Do you remember a time when technology was not a part of your life?

Yes, I remember my first cell phone - Millennial No, it’s always been there - Generation Z

  1. Are your parents coaching you how to become an adult or are they more concerned about your self-esteem?

Self-esteem, everyone should get a trophy - Millennial Coaching - work hard to get recognized - Generation Z

  1. Do you believe that opportunities are everywhere or that you have to continually learn new skills to keep up with society?

Opportunities are boundless - Millennial Have to keep current - Generation Z

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