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Putting Up A Tent

  1. Find a flat spot large enough for your tent

  2. Clear the area to help eliminate bumps

  3. Take your tent out of the bag. You should have 1 tent, poles, and stakes

  4. Put all your poles together, each piece should connect to the next

  5. Put the tent on the spot and unroll it, you will have to put the rain fly off to the side

  6. Open the tent up till it is flat

  7. If your tent has sleeves then put your poles through the correct sleeves

  8. Connect the bottom of your poles to the connector at the bottom of the tent

  9. Connect both sides of the poles, you will slowly be lifting the tent

  10. If your tent has hooks attach them as you lift

  11. Some tents have extra pieces you have to hook on if your tent has any of these hook them on now

  12. Now make sure the rain fly is on the right side then attach to the tent

  13. If you have another pole it will be connected with the rain fly, look for a sleeve on the bottom of the rain fly

  14. Now take the stakes and stake down the tent, there should be a connector where all the poles are connected

  15. To finish get all your sleeping materials in the tent and you are done.

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