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Survival Shelter

Lean To

  1. Before leaving home

    1. Pack your bag correctly

    2. Here are some good suggestions for you to keep in your bag

      1. 10 Essentials

        1. Pocketknife

        2. First-aid kit

        3. Extra clothing

        4. Rain gear

        5. Water bottle

        6. Flashlight

        7. Trail food

        8. Matches and fire starters

        9. Sun protection

        10. Map and compass

      2. Small Tarp

      3. Whistle

      4. Rope

      5. Water purification (machine or tablets)

      6. Anything you think might help you

      7. Don’t go overboard!

    3. Know what you have

    4. Check the weather

    5. Know your spot/ trail

    6. Tell others where you are going and when you will be coming back

  2. When you get to the spot where you are building a shelter

    1. Make sure your spot is durable and safe for you to be on.

    2. Start by choosing your spot

    3. Collect sticks

      1. You will need one large one(taller than your tallest person)

      2. The others will need to vary in size

    4. Start building

      1. Take your largest stick and lean it against your tree

        1. Make sure that it is stable

      2. Then cover the large stick with your smaller sticks

      3. Once all your sticks are placed you will want to cover your shelter in the foliage around you(ie: leaves, pine needles, bark,...)

    5. Your shelter is up!

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